Made it into the law reports


Really exciting start to the year at Cycle Legal when we overcame the might of the insurance industry in a ten month battle over legal costs in Chappell v Mrozek.

The decision was picked up extensively by the legal press because it is one of real importance in how the rules work when a client accepts an offer out of time, ie after when legal costs are in the claimant’s favour.

Our client on legal and accountancy advice accepted the sum of £250,000 almost two years after we had rejected it, meaning that the insurers wanted their costs of £150,000 paid before they would release the funds. Cue an almighty tussle that dominated 2022 and ended up in a one-day hearing on 30th September at the High Court.

The judge reserved her judgement, and I can understand why, it was fiendishly complex.

Delighted to say it went in our favour which was a major relief for the client whose damages would have been wiped out had it gone the other way.

Read more here: High court rejects costs setoff in QOCS claim | News | Law Gazette

Cycle Legal

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