The Ultimate Guide to Back Injuries from Cycling Accidents

When there's a cyclist hit, Cycling accidents can lead to various back injuries, ranging from mild strains to severe spinal trauma.
Your cycling accident claim will depend on the severity of the personal injury acquired. Injury compensation from an injury claim may vary. That's why we've prepared the ultimate guide to back injuries from cycling accidents to help you.
Below is an A-Z guide of potential back injuries that cyclists may suffer as a result of an accident.
A - Ankylosing Spondylitis (Trigger)
A type of arthritis that can be triggered or worsened by trauma to the spine. Though often genetic, cycling accidents can accelerate its onset or exacerbate symptoms.
B - Burst Fracture
A severe type of spinal fracture where a vertebra is crushed, often due to high-impact accidents such as collisions with vehicles. This injury can cause fragments of bone to spread into the surrounding tissues and spinal cord.
C - Compression Fracture
A common injury where the vertebrae in the spine are compressed, causing them to collapse. This can result in pain, decreased mobility, and potential spinal deformities.
D - Disc Herniation (Slipped Disc)
A particularly painful personal injury, disc herniation occurs when a spinal disc is ruptured, causing the inner gel-like material to bulge out. This can compress nearby nerves, leading to pain, numbness, or weakness in the back and legs.
E - Epidural Hematoma
A rare but severe condition where a collection of blood forms in the epidural space around the spinal cord following trauma. Immediate medical attention is required as it can lead to paralysis if untreated.
F - Facet Joint Injury
Facet joints are the joints between vertebrae that allow flexibility in the spine. A cycling accident can cause injury to these joints, leading to pain and stiffness in the back.
H - Herniated Disc
A disc herniation or herniated disc involves the protrusion of a spinal disc, which can impinge on surrounding nerves and cause significant pain or neurological issues.
L - Lumbar Sprain
Involves damage to the ligaments in the lower back. This type of injury is typically caused by sudden movements or falls during a cycling accident.
M - Muscle Strains
Overstretching or tearing of the muscles in the back due to sudden or awkward movements. This is a common injury in cycling accidents and can lead to pain and limited mobility.
N - Nerve Compression
Injuries like disc herniation can compress the nerves in the spinal column, leading to pain, tingling, or numbness that radiates down the legs (sciatica).
P - Paralysis (Spinal Cord Injury)
One of the most severe outcomes of a back injury in a cycling accident. Paralysis can occur if the spinal cord is damaged or severed, resulting in loss of function below the injury site.
R - Radiculopathy (Pinched Nerve)
Radiculopathy occurs when a nerve root in the spine becomes compressed or inflamed. This can cause radiating pain, numbness, or weakness in other parts of the body, such as the legs.
S - Scoliosis (Secondary to Injury)
While scoliosis is usually congenital, trauma from a cycling accident can cause or worsen a spinal curve in cases of severe vertebral damage.
S - Spinal Cord Contusion
A bruise to the spinal cord, typically caused by trauma during an accident. Symptoms can range from temporary pain to severe, long-lasting nerve damage.
S - Spinal Stenosis (Post-Traumatic)
Narrowing of the spinal canal, which can be caused by cycling trauma. This leads to pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, resulting in back pain, numbness, and weakness.
T - Thoracic Spine Injury
Involves trauma to the middle region of the spine. Thoracic injuries are less common than lumbar injuries in cycling accidents but can lead to fractures and long-term pain.
W - Whiplash (Spinal)
Though more commonly associated with neck injuries, whiplash can affect the upper spine, causing pain and stiffness after a sudden impact or jarring movement.
A bicycle accident compensation calculator is often needed for the wide range of injuries seen. That's where we come in.
How Cycle Legal and Our Expertise Can Help
Dealing with any type of back cycling accident injury after a cycling accident can be overwhelming—not only physically, but emotionally and financially. Whether it’s a herniated disc, a spinal fracture, or a more severe injury, the road to recovery can be long and challenging. At Cycle Legal, we understand the complexities involved in back injury claims and are here to help you secure the compensation you deserve.
Our head solicitor, Kevin, has years of experience working on complex cycling accident claims, and he understands the impact these injuries can have on your life. Kevin and the team are dedicated to providing the personal attention and expert legal advice you need during this difficult time. We work closely with medical specialists and rehabilitation experts to ensure that every aspect of your injury—both immediate and long-term—is accounted for in your compensation claim.
If you or a loved one has suffered a back injury due to a cycling accident, contact us today. We’ll guide you through the legal process with compassion and expertise, ensuring you’re supported every step of the way.